How To Calibrate Pex Crimp Tool – In 3 Steps: Guide By Expert

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Written By Scott Angel

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This article will enable us to understand how to calibrate pex crimp tool before or during the process of using them. Calibration of pex crimp tool is not as complicated when you read this the guideline properly.

Tool calibration is the process of comparison. This is when an instrument or tool’s accuracy is compared to known standards. The tool’s accuracy is usually written in the equipment’s manual. When calibrating the tool, you have to compare across the whole measurement range of the tool.

The Result Of The Comparison Can Come Out To Be One Of The Following:

  • No significant error being noted on the device under test
  • A significant error being noted but no adjustment made
  • An adjustment made to correct the error to an acceptable level

Generally speaking, the term “calibration” just means the act of comparing.

How To Calibrate Pex Crimp Tool

Calibration Standards

There are 3 types of standards to be followed in your tool calibration and control system,these calibration standards show what kind of measurements standards to be followed when calibrating or comparing the tools:

Primary Standards: Those units or instruments of highest quality and stability which are periodically calibrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or by other contract calibration services which have direct traceability to NIST. Primary standards are used in a controlled environment of 23°C ±2°C and relative humidity of 40% ±10%

Transfer Standards: Those units or instruments with proven stability are calibrated from primary standards in a controlled environment. Transfer standards are stored in a controlled environment of 23°C ± 2°C and relative humidity of 40% ±10% .

Working Standards: Those units or instruments with proven stability that are calibrated from transfer standards.

You use working standards to measure product and process quality. Transfer standards are used to calibrate the working standards. These are traceable to NIST. Primary standards are usually kept at NIST or calibration labs and maintain NIST certification.

Calibration Records

Your tool calibration and control records should have all these things included to have a perfect calibration process :

  • Tool Number
  • Tool Name
  • MFG Name
  • Tool Location
  • Calibration procedure callout
  • Calibration interval
  • Transfer standard name used to calibrate the instrument
  • Transfer standard tool number
  • Date of calibration
  • Next due date of calibration
  • Calibration record number
  • Calibration requirements
  • Calibration data
  • Employee’s name or signature
  • Temperature
  • Humidity

Tool calibration is very important to any user of these tools, in this case crimping tools. These tools are frequently used to carry out their specific tasks. As time goes by, these tools lose their effectiveness and their abilities to bring out excellent results. Tools calibration is the only way to know for sure how much your tools have lost its perfect touch and this can be done properly in a tool calibration lab.

Some quality control specialists recommend that tool users should have their tools calibrated annually, regardless of the use, tool purpose or its stability. This idea is not to be entirely accepted because tool calibration is meant to actually occur at regular intervals and this regularity depends to a large extent on the tool use, stability and purpose.

A benefit of regular calibration is that it helps to provide an up to date historical record of the instruments performance so that, when you calibrate your tool in the future, the data can be compared to check if the calibration period /intervals should be prolonged or shortened.

The following reasons are also very important to why you should always schedule regular interval calibration

Improved Yield

The tool being calibrated at regular intervals as an improved yield due constant check up, it now works more effectively because the downside to the tool has been figured out quick enough to prevent low yields.

Less Re-Work Of Parts

There is a lesser reworking of various tool part. This makes your work done easily and within a shorter period of time.

Increase Machine Up-Time

The machine/tool can now be used for a longer period of time and this enables a lot of your work to be covered within that period.


It is the easiest way to know the standards of your tool, calibration ensures tool standardization.

Less Wear And Tear On Your Tool/Equipment

Calibration prevents wear and tear on your tool to a very large extent, this enables the tool user to utilize the tool for a longer period of time.

In this article, we want to see how a pex crimp tool should be calibrated ,however the question we ask is should we really calibrate our crimping tools? Yes,  we have to but since pex-crimping tool is not actually a measurement tool, we can have them adjusted and verified against the manufacturer’s specifications which is  the same thing as calibrating them in its case.

The most frequently used procedure for calibrating crimp tools is the use of pin gauges. A pin gauge looks like a guage block, it is a precised cylindrical bar for use in GO/ N-GO tests or in similar applications. It depends on the manufacturer’s guidelines and the opening of the crimp that a particular pin gauge is selected. Depending on these two factors, the appropriate gauge pin should be chosen. The calibration technician must squeeze/clamp the handles together and hold them in this position, don’t close the indenter directly onto a guage pin because it can damage the tool or make it useless.

Once You Have Selected Your Appropriate Pin Gauge, The Following Procedures Should Be Followed:

  • . Insert the proper gauge pin through the indenter opening while holding the indenter closed, the gauge pin used must fit in perfectly through the indenter tips without being sloppy.
  • . If the tool needs to be adjusted  (if adjustment is possible) , release the handles to the open position.
  • . Adjust the crimp tool according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

These steps are to be repeated as many times as possible until the desired measurements outcome is achieved.

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